
Business Directory

Mr. Adhi (I Gusti Putu Adi Wira Negara) is the owner of Adhi Tuli Pizza. He has been making pizza, cheesecake, and other kind of cakes for years.

His business is located in Monang-Maning, West Denpasar.


Please contact him by text or WhatsApp chat at 081246198337

Gerobak Silaturahmi is a cart owned by Azis Fahruroji who is a wheel chair user. The cart sells groceries such as soaps, detergent, yoghurt, and lemon grass.

Check out his facebook Azis Fahruroji, Instagram @azisfahruroji or contact him at 08567030062

You can find many new and second hand at the Shop Strawberry SC.

Curious on what items are available? visit their instagram page at @strawberrysc96

Sundari Dasa, a person with physical dsability sells soaps that you can use for any daily activities.

Interested to buy? Please contact 08989629972

Phipo date milk is made without sugar and preservatives and mixed with: milk, honey, dates and variety of flavors. The date milk is made homemade with food grade standard,

Available in various flavors:

  • original
  • red velvet
  • taro
  • chocolate
  • green tea
  • melon
  • avocado.

The Benefits of date milk:

  • Enhance breast milk production
  • Boost energy
  • Increased endurance

Only available for the following area:  Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik

Interested? Contact Ayik 089678159835 or visit her instagram page at @phipo_house_of_flanel