Business Directory
-->Business Directory
Gerobak Silaturahmi is a cart owned by Azis Fahruroji who is a wheel chair user. The cart sells groceries such as soaps, detergent, yoghurt, and lemon grass.
Check out his facebook Azis Fahruroji, Instagram @azisfahruroji or contact him at 08567030062
You can find many new and second hand at the Shop Strawberry SC.
Curious on what items are available? visit their instagram page at @strawberrysc96
Phipo date milk is made without sugar and preservatives and mixed with: milk, honey, dates and variety of flavors. The date milk is made homemade with food grade standard,
Available in various flavors:
The Benefits of date milk:
Only available for the following area: Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik
Interested? Contact Ayik 089678159835 or visit her instagram page at @phipo_house_of_flanel